Posted by Unknown | marți, 31 august 2010 |
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This unheralded little movie is thus far 2010′s biggest surprise – an entertaining and winning kung-fu comedy with plenty of old-school Hong Kong Cinema love. Featuring excellent action plus a terrific star turn from Teddy Robin Kwan.
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Prot is a patient at a mental hospital who claims to be from a far away planet. His psychiatrist tries to help him, only to begin to doubt his own explanations.
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Mark J. Sheridan was in New York working for his agency to try to find out what the Chinese intelligence is planning. But, out of defending himself, he killed 2 Agents trying to find a mole in the agency. So, he flees to escape from his agency who suspects him of cold blood murder and espionage. While suffering a car accident in Chicago, Sheridan was arrested and escorted on a prison transport via airplane. Sheridan’s plane crashes along the way to prison. When, police do not find Sheridan after the crash. They call upon Chicago’s famed U.S. Marshal Samuel Gerard and his team of other Marshals to find and catch him. But, they will soon realize that they will be a part of the mole hunt and Sheridan’s own investigation.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Ronin is the Japanese word used for Samurai without a master. In this case, the Ronin are outcast specialists of every kind, whose services are available to everyone – for money. Dierdre (undoubtedly from Ireland) hires several Ronin to form a team in order to retrieve an important suitcase from a man who is about to sell it to the Russians. After the mission has been completed successfully, the suitcase immediately gets switched by a member of the team who seems to work into his own pocket. The complex net of everyone tricking everyone begins to surface slowly, and deadly…
Posted by Unknown | |
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A group of adventurers sneak into Cuba to try to recover $1 million in cash that when hidden when Fidel Castro took over in 1959. They find themselves trying to avoid detection by Cuban authorities while also battling modern-day pirates who are also after the treasure.
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Povestea fetei razboinice continua la o luna dupa evenimentele din prima parte. Shang, acum general, vine sa o ceara in casatorie pe Mulan, iar ea accepta. Dar un curier ii trimite la imparat. Acesta le da misiunea de a le duce pe fiicele lui intr-un regat invecinat. Cei doi isi iau ca ajutoare pe cei trei prieteni nastrusnici din prima parte si pornesc pe drumul aventurii. Doar ca Mushu si-a propus sa-i desparta pe cei doi iubiti, intrucat el isi pierdea locul odata casatoria incheiata. Pe traseu, cei trei soldati se indragostesc de fetele imparatului, iar ele le raspund avansurilor, doar ca ele mergeau pentru a se casatori cu fiii regelui vecin.
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Milo Thatch, nepotul marelui Thaddeus Thatch, lucreaza la centrala muzeului. Visul lui este Atlantisul si stie ca este o lume reala, dar are nevoie de un jurnal misterios si de fonduri pentru calatorie. Cum patronul lui il refuza, el se intoarce acasa, unde gaseste o femeie asteptandu-l. Aceasta il duce la Preston B. Whitmore, un vechi prieten al bunicului sau. Acesta ii pune la dispozitie jurnalul, un submarin si un echipaj de 5 oameni, fiecare specialist intr-un domeniu. Cei 6 calatoresc spre inima Oceanului Atlantic, se intalnesc cu un homar urias de care scapa ca prin minune, si dupa alte peripetii reusesc sa-si atinga tinta, ajung in Atlantis. O lume cum nici macar nu visau li se deschide, dar acum apar dilemele, mai ales ca venirea lor pericliteaza aceasta lume.
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O poveste colorata ale carei personaje sunt animalele de la o ferma care se afla in pericol de a intra pe mana unui lacom fara scrupule, Alameda Slim. Stapana fermei, blajina doamna Pearl nu poate sa creada ca ferma Patch of Heaven va fi pierduta. Nici macar cele trei vaci cu initiativa nu vor sa vada cum modul lor idilic de viata se duce pe apa sambetei, astfel ca preiau controlul situatiei, impreuna cu armasarul Buck. O ceata pestrita de animale curajoase, care tin sa-si apere ferma cu orice pret, pornesc intr-o aventura nemaivazuta, riscandu-si chiar viata. Apare un vanator misterios pe nume Rico, care are interesul propriu de a-l captura pe rautaciosul Slim si de a face rost de banii de recompensa.
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Atunci cand Susan Murphy este lovita de un meteorit, ea creste inexplicabil de mult si este catalogata imediat un "monstru" pe nume Ginormica. Armata sare in ajutorul oamenilor, dar degeaba pentru ca ea nu a facut nimic. Armata o prinde pe Susan si o inchide intr-o inchisoare speciala guvernamentala. Dar in curand intreaga lumea va afla ca guvernul american a "adunat" de-a lungul anilor mai multi monstrii. Acest grup de monstrii este alcatuitt dintr-un carcalac foarte destept, Dr. Cockroach, un macho, jumatate maimuta, jumatate peste (veriga lipsa la evolutia homo sapiensului); gelatinosul si indistructibilul B.O.B., si Insectosaurus, o ganganie de marimea unui dinozaur, careia ii este frica de oameni. Dar in momentul in care o nava extraterestra aterizeaza pe teritoriul Statelor Unite ale Americii, cu intentii de a prelua controlul lumii, guvernul va alcatui o echipa de monstrii, care sa lupte pentru salvarea omenirii.
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Dupa ce regele Angliei moare fara sa lase un mostenitor, in curtea unei catedrale din Londra apare o sabie despre care se spune ca cine reuseste sa o scoata din piatra va deveni regele Angliei. Desi multi au incercat, nimeni nu a reusit sa o scoata. Arthur (adica Wart) este un baiat care isi doreste sa ajunga scutier. Intr-o vanatoare, ajunge la Merlin, un vrajitor puternic dar ciudat care vede in Wart mai mult decat un simplu scutier. Incepe sa-i dea lui Wart o educatie (oricare ar fi aceea), crezand ca daca cineva are o educatie, poate sa mearga oriunde. Cu toate acestea, lucrurile nu merg cum se asteapta.
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Posted by Unknown | |
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In fata regelui, guvernatorul Ratcliffe sustine ca trebuie sa ii atace pe indieni si sa le ia tot aurul. Capitanul John Smith le ia apararea si sustine o relatie pasnica. Ratcliffe il dovedeste pe capitan si il acuza de tradare. Desi nefondata, acuzatia este grava, iar tanarul incearca sa scape, dar cade in Tamisa si nu mai apare din adancuri. Stirea ca John Smith a murit ajunge in America, iar Pocahontas este daramata. Ea pleaca la Londra cu John Rolfe pentru a se intalni cu regele Angliei in scopuri diplomatice: sa asigure pacea celor 2 tari si respect intre cele 2 popoare. Dar cum guvernatorul Ratcliffe este mereu in preajma, el intervine pe langa rege, facand ca misiunea fetei sa para lipsita de succes si dicreditand-o pe aceasta prin orice mijloace.
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Capitanul John Smith conduce o nava de marinari si soldati britanici catre Lumea Noua pentru a o jefui de bogatii pentru patria mama. Alaturi de el este guvernatorul Ratcliffe, o persoana egoista care viseaza ca se va imbogati in urma acestei calatorii. De cealalta parte, seful de trib Powhatan isi obliga fiica, pe Pocahontas, sa se casatoreasca impotriva vointei ei cu cel mai mare luptator al tribului. Insa fata are viziuni care ii prevestesc o schimbare mare. Si aceasta schimbare incepe o data cu sosirea navei englezesti, mai ales a capitanului John Smith. Dar cei doi nu pot avea pace deoarece Ratcliffe crede ca indienii ascund aurul, iar Powhatan crede ca noii veniti vor distruge totul in calea lor. Cei doi tineri lupta pentru a preveni un razboi iminent, dar si sa-si apere dragostea de ceilalti.
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Posted by Unknown | |
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Carl Fredricksen si-a petrecut toata viata lui explorand toata planeta si traind viata la maxim. Dar acum a ajuns la batranete, iar la cei 78 de ani ai sai, el are impresia ca viata a trecut pe langa el. Dar soarta lui nu a fost scrisa in totalitate, iar destinul i-a mai pastrat cateva surprize, chiar si acum la batranete. Impreuna cu un persistent pusti de 8 ani pe nume Russell, care vrea si el sa devina explorator la fel ca el, Carl Fredricksen va avea ocazia sa se imbarce intr-o noua aventura. La "bordul" casei sale zburatoare, Carl si Russell vor calatori pe taramuri uitate de om, se vor lupta cu creaturi si raufacatori prin jungla ecuatoriala, si vor lua si cina la 3:30 dupa-amiaza.
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Posted by Unknown | |
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Vanitosul si ingamfatul imparat Kuzco este un om ocupat. In afara de a-si concedia mereu administratorul, un om tare ciudat si suspicios, el mai planuieste ca, de ziua sa, sa-si ofere in dar un parc acvatic. Dar pentru a-l construi, un satuc din imperiu ii sta in cale, asa ca ordona sa fie daramat. Intre timp, administratorul Yzma ticluieste un plan pentru a se razbuna si a uzurpa tronul. Insa mana lui dreapta, Kronk, incurca borcanele si, in loc sa-l ucida, il transforma pe Kuzco intr-o lama. Ba mai mult, e proprietatea unui taran, Pacha, care era suparat pe el ca ii darama satul. Insa taranul isi ofera ajutorul imparatului, daca acesta ii promite ca va muta parcul acvatic in alta parte.
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Posted by Unknown | |
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Dupa ce a provocat marele dragon, a salvat-o pe printesa si imparatia socrilor, ce poate sa mai faca un ogre ? Ei bine, daca te cheama Shrek, atunci esti un familist convins. In loc sa sperie satenii asa cum obisnuia el sa faca in trecut, acum el da autografe pe furcile acestora. Intrebarea care si-o pune el insusi este "ce s-a intamplat cu spiritul lui salbatic ?" Lui ii este dor de acele zile de libertate asa ca semneaza un pact cu un spiridus destul de dubios pe nume Rumplestiltskin. Acesta de fapt il pacaleste si il trimite pe Shrek intr-un taram Far, Far Away alternativ, acolo unde cei ca el sunt vanati, Rumplestiltskin este rege, iar Shrek si Fiona nu s-au intalnit niciodata. Este datoria lui Shrek de a se intoarce in realitatea lui, in speranta ca isi va salva prietenii si iubita lui sotie.
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Posted by Unknown | |
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When William regains consciousness he finds himself confused and alone in an empty London street. As he explores the area, he discovers that not only are all the people missing but so are his memories.
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Live action feature based on the video game King of Fighters.
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A group of bank robbers find their $20 million plan interrupted by a hard-boiled detective.
Posted by Unknown | luni, 30 august 2010 |
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The year is 1986. In Ochopee, Florida, 11-year-old Joanie Shriver is kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Bobby EarlFerguson is arrested by officers Tanny Brown and J. T. Wilcox, who proceed to beat Bobby into confessing to the murder. Bobby is placed on trial, where Bobby’s defense attorney McNair puts up a lousy defense for Bobby, and Bobby is sentenced to be executed. Now, eight years later, Bobby hands a letter to his grandmother Evangeline and asks Evangeline to go to Cambridge, Massachusetts, to hire Harvard law professor Paul Armstrong to clear Bobby’s name. At Harvard, Paul is attacking capital punishment in a campus debate, when Evangeline arrives and hands the letter to Paul. Paul goes home, where his wife Laurie is throwing a birthday party for their young daughter Katey. Laurie reads the letter and she encourages Paul to take the case, even though he hasn’t practiced law in 25 years. Paul, Laurie, and Katey head to Florida, where Paul meets Bobby in the prison. Bobby tells Paul his side of the story and what Tanny and Wilcox did. Paul begins to believe that Bobby was railroaded. Bobby tells Paul to speak to Blair Sullivan, a man who is also on death row. Blair gives Paul some clues that could prove Bobby’s innocence — and Blair’s own guilt. But in the process of trying to clear Bobby, Paul learns some disturbing truths about Bobby, putting Paul and his family in a fight for their lives.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Twenty five years ago, the SS Corona Queen disappeared in the region known as, “The Bermuda Triangle”. Now, it has returned. Seven people go on board to learn the truth behind her disappearance but the ship did not return alone…
Posted by Unknown | |
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A painting is stolen from a building during a great fire and after recovered, the police finds inside it a mysterious map. A police officer responsible for the case ask his brother (Stephen Baldwin), who is an antiques expert, to help him during investigations. Analysing the paint an fabric, he finds that the map belonged to Cristopher Columbus and the drawings in it refer to an old legend of a lost treasure. Asside from unravel mysterious riddles the police officer and his brother will have to fight against a violent gang which is after the treasure as well.
Posted by Unknown | duminică, 29 august 2010 |
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Wes Keller is a young man living in a world where oil has collapsed, the food supply has been wiped out, and cancer rates for women have skyrocketed, depleting the female population.
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Left alone in the wealthy northern Chicago suburbs with the family house and Porsche at his disposal, Joel, through his scheming friends, finds himself entertaining to-die-for lady-of-the-night Lana. After meeting Joel’s enthusiastic friends, Lana spots a business opportunity, and suggests bringing in some of her equally stunning colleagues. Joel is aghast at such an idea, at least until the Porsche accidentally falls into Lake Michigan, requiring a quick infusion of ready cash.
Posted by Unknown | |
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A DNA experiment on a rare breed of spider is taking place on a NASA space shuttle, when a freak meteor shower engulfs the shuttle, causing everything to go horribly wrong. One survivor is found on the ship and watched over in a secret location deep in the California desert. The problem continues, as the survivor isn’t alone, as another deadly spiders climbs out of him and goes on a rampage around the ship. Curious reporter Marci Eyre must now survive, escape and warn everyone before the spider reaches outside the desert.
Posted by Unknown | |
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A disgraced former LAPD detective leads a home invasion in search of millions in stolen money. The plan goes awry and homicide detectives seeking answers interrogate the only survivors; a thief and a victim.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Based on the popular video game. In the not too distant future, humans have successfully colonized the planet Mars. Here scientists were experimenting on naturally occurring substances and using the colonizing humans as guinea pigs. The experiment went horribly wrong. Now, a group of marines and a scientist named Samantha Grimm are going to find out what happened. They teleport to Mars via a system known as the “Arch”. What they find are gruesome monsters hell bent on death and destruction. Samantha’s brother John is also one of the marines sent to Mars to help.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Realizat dupa un roman scris de Franz-Olivier Giesbert si inspirat din fapte reale, filmul ne prezinta viata unui gangster, Charly Matteï, retras din activitati ilegale si crime, in urma cu 3 ani. Acum are o familie pe care o iubeste si isi dedica viata ce i`a ramas in intregime sotiei si celor 2 copii ai sai. Dar intr`o dimineata rece de iarna, se incearca asasinarea sa intr`o parcare subterana din Marsillia …. 22 de gloante …. in ciuda eforturilor asasinilor, va supravietui …. Filmul a avut productia in anul 2008 – 2009 dar pe parcursul filmarilor, scenariul s`a modificat de cateva ori deoarece au aparut noi elemente din viata gangsterului Charly Matteï astfel incat a trebuit sa fie re-filmate aproape toate scenele, filmul fiind pre-lansat in cinematografe in data de 19 Martie 2010. Atat scenaristii cat si producatorii au avut de suferit pierderi materiale si financiare in urma catorva atentate de sabotare a filmarilor si discreditare a filmului, facute de rivalii lui Charly Matteï.
Posted by Unknown | sâmbătă, 28 august 2010 |
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When Detective Mortimer Shade is somehow killed in a freezer, a parasite called a grail possesses his body, revives him, but he needs blood to stay alive. His partner John Dark accepts the new situation and together they become vigilantes, judging and killing the bad guys, with Shade sucking their blood with his claw. However, Dark notes that Shade is losing the rest of his humanity and becoming a monster, being aware and afraid of the danger Shade represents to mankind and trying to stop him.
Posted by Unknown | |
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After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area’s new razor-toothed residents.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Two mismatched New York City detectives seize an opportunity to step up like the city’s top cops whom they idolize, only things don’t quite go as planned.
Posted by Unknown | vineri, 27 august 2010 |
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Remake al serialului cu acelasi nume din anii '60, "Prizonierul" pastreaza intriga originala. Un barbat se trezeste intr-un sat ciuda fara a-si aminti felul in care a ajuns acolo. Explorand imprejurimile, descopera ca oamenii din jurul sau sunt indentificati prin numele in loc de nume, nu isi amintesc nimic despre vreo existenta anterioara si se afla sub supraveghere constanta. Fara a sti in cine poate avea incredere, "Sase" simte pornirea de a descoperi adevarul din spatele Satului, motivul prezentei sale acolo si - cel mai important - cum ar putea evada.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Kevin Carson is a young man living in the projects who has to survive a three-day weekend after his opportunistic neighbors find out he’s holding a winning lottery ticket worth $370 million.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Four Lions tells the story of a group of British jihadists who push their abstract dreams of glory to the breaking point.
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As the manager of a failing sales team Catherine’s job is on the line, and her boss has called in Neal to turn things around. Will Neal’s methods help Catherine’s sales team, or will his smooth talking get them both into trouble?
Posted by Unknown | |
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Six friends are lured to an underground basement for a sinister experiment, will they escape, but most importantly will they live or die…
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Two just-graduated officers from Massachusetts State Police Academy follow opposite sides of the law: William Costigan is assigned to work undercover with the Irish mobster Frank Costello to get evidences to arrest him. His true identity is only known by his superiors Dignam and Oliver Queenan. The protegee of Costello, Colin Sullivan, is promoted in the Massachusetts State Police and is the informer of Costello. Each police officer gives his best effort trying to disclose the identity of the other "rat".
Posted by Unknown | |
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Description: CIA operative Nathan Muir (Redford) is on the brink of retirement when he finds out that his protege Tom Bishop (Pitt) has been arrested in China for espionage. No stranger to the machinations of the CIA’s top echelon, Muir hones all his skills and irreverent manner in order to find a way to free Bishop. As he embarks on his mission to free Bishop, Muir recalls how he recruited and trained the young rookie, at that time a sergeant in Vietnam, their turbulent times together as operatives and the woman who threatened their friendship.
Posted by Unknown | |
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Charlie Valentine was a gangster, a gunfighter, a womanizer and a pretty fine chef… He was also the most dangerous, irresponsible scoundrel you ever met.
Posted by Unknown | |
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A hitman tries to retire but a beautiful thief may change his plans.
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Two men fortify a nondescript British apartment so it can serve as a prison, and then kidnap a woman and tie her to a bed. Before there’s even time to react, we’re plunged into a very nasty situation, but not a simple one.
Posted by Unknown | joi, 26 august 2010 |
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Magimel, ambitious and somewhere ruthless, who realizes that he made some mistakes: stealing the formula of a famous industrial product from a poor chemist. In the meanwhile, he meets by chance an old friend of his - Demaison, and talks to him about his guiltiness feelings. Demaison advises his pal to go to the chemist and tell him everything, to get rid of this culpability ...
Posted by Unknown | |
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On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.
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When a couple is taken hostage in their home by an intruder, a simple home invasion robbery turns into something much more complicated.
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