  • The Millionaire Tour (2012) (NT)


19 Aug 2012 / 0 Comments

In filmul online ‘Creep’(2004) actiunea incepe intr-o gara de metrou. E noapte tarzie si Kate (Franka Potente) se intoarce acasa de la o petrecere. Dar in timp ce asteapta metroul, ea realizeaza ca usile au fost incuiate peste noapte si ca este blocata in subteran.In timp ce este atacata de un cole



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Published On:miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010
Posted by Unknown

Match Point (nt)

Director:Woody AllenActors:Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Alexander Armstrong, Paul Kaye, Matthew Goode, Brian Cox
Description: Chris, a recently retired tennis player, requests work like instructor in a London select club, there he knows and friendship begins with Tom Hewett who is member of an English wealthy family, Chris is a youth with luck, Chloe sister of Tom falls in love with Chris who takes advantage of this. On the other hand, Nola, an American sensual actress of little mount, girlfriend of Tom, knows Chris in a family party and the Irishman immediately is attracted by the beauty of the actress. Different to Nola's fate, Chris is well accepted in the Hewett's family and has the fortune of sympathizing with Mr. Alec Hewett who uses their influence to place young Chris in an executive position. Chris marries this way Chloe, Tom breaks up suddenly with Nola and he marries a youth of his class. Then Chris looks for Nola laboriously, and he revives the passion that feels for the American, this way Chris is amid an enormous pressure, coming from the work, of his relationship with Nola and of his wife's necessity of having a son. Finally, Nola leaves pregnant and she begins to press Chris so that he abandones Chloe, the retired tennis player has to make a difficult decision that will take him to extreme situations and a fatal destination for the young actress. Again the random, the good luck, allows Chris to stay free of this difficult situation, again the ball hits in the net and it falls in the rival's land. (Chris, un recien retirado jugador de tenis, solicita trabajo como instructor en un selecto club londinense, ahi conoce y entabla amistad con Tom Hewett quien es miembro de una acaudalada familia inglesa, Chris es un joven con suerte, Chloe hermana de Tom se enamora de Chris quien toma ventaja de esto. Por otro lado, Nola, una sensual actriz americana de poca monta, novia de Tom, conoce a Chris en una fiesta familiar y el irlandes inmediatamente se siente atraido por la belleza de la actriz. A diferencia de Nola que no es bien aceptada en la familia Hewett, Chris tiene la fortuna de simpatizar con los padres de Chloe, sobretodo con Mr. Alec Hewett quien usa sus influencia para colocar al joven Chris en un puesto ejecutivo. Asi Chris se casa con Chloe, Tom rompe repentinamente con Nola y se casa con una joven de su clase. Entonces Chris busca afanosamente a Nola, y reaviva la pasion que siente por la americana, de este modo Chris queda en medio de una enorme presion, proveniente del trabajo, de su relacion con Nola y de la necesidad de su esposa de tener un hijo. Al final Nola queda embarazada y empieza a presionar a Chris para que deje a Chloe, el exjugador de tenis tiene que tomar una dificil decision, que le llevara a situaciones extremas y a un destino fatal para la joven actriz. Otra vez el azar, la buena suerte, le permite a Chris salir librado de esta dificil situacion, otra vez la pelota golpea en la red y cae en terreno del rival.)

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Posted by Unknown on 07:52. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 07:52. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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  4. Domnul şi doamna Ninja, agenţi secreţi
  5. Descoperire macabră într-un oraş antic din Egipt. O mărturie a practicilor barbare de acum câteva mii de ani
  6. „Fie lovim Ploieştiul, fie murim încercând s-o facem”