Published On:luni, 27 septembrie 2010
Posted by Unknown

Hannibal (nt)

Director:Ridley ScottActors:Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Gary Oldman, Ray Liotta, Frankie Faison
Description: Part four in the Hannibal Lecter Quadrilogy. Having escaped the asylum in "Silence of the Lambs," Dr Lecter goes into hiding in Florence, Italy. Back in America, Mason Verger, an old victim of the doctor's, seeks revenge. Disfigured and confined to a life-support system, he plans to draw Lecter out of his hiding place, using the one thing he truly cares for: Clarice Starling.

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By Unknown on 13:32. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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