Published On:sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010
Posted by Unknown

Hard Ride to Hell (2010)

Un grup de familii si prieteni merg impreuna intr-o excursie prin Texas. Sunt luati la o calatorie catre Iad dupa ce asista involuntar la un sacrificiu ritualic intr-un loc de camping pustiu. Urmariti de banda Diavolului, ei se ascund intr-o biserica abandonata din apropierea frontierei, iar aici descopera ca sunt niste pioni intr-o batalie veche de decenii intre bine si rau.

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Posted by Unknown on 09:24. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 09:24. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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