Published On:sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010
Posted by Unknown


Want to get better at chess endgames?
We have linked up the crafty chess engine to our chess board, meaning you can play versus the computer in different situations directly within your browser. You can practice chess endgamess risk free in your browser and see if you can force checkmate or manage a draw. Challenge yourself with our large variety of puzzles in all difficulties.
Looking to perfect some common chess endgames? Look for the endgames marked [EP], or Extra Practice, which will change starting positions everytime you reload. See if you can win from multiple different starting positions!

Winning Endgames

All of these positions are wins by white within 50 moves
Endgames versus a lone King
King and Pawn Endgames
Queen Endgames
Rook EndgamesPublicaţi postare
Bishop Endgames
Knight Endgames

Force A Draw!

All of these are draws for white, if you can manage it!

Famous Endgames

Positions from famous games, see how well you can play them!

Looking for another endgame?

About the Author

Posted by Unknown on 07:53. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By Unknown on 07:53. Filed under , , . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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